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Mugen MSB1

Mugen MSB1

SKU: MUG-B2001
GTIN: 4944925903403
Mugen Seiki is excited to announce the NEW MSB1 electric off-road 1/10th kit. The MSB1 evolved from years of testing and development. Debuted recently at the 1/10th Off Road World Championship at Hobby Action. The kit includes sway bars front and rear, highly tunable gear differntial, and 13mm shocks. The slim aluminum chassis provides incredible precision and stability when jumping and cornering. The rear suspension design is unique and more tunable than other vehicles in thise class. The differntial height is adjustable the access to the differential is quick and easy. Also included in the MSB1 kit is a carb forward bodyshell, front wing and rear wing.
  • Not available
    Delivery status: Status Anfragen bitte
  • Delivery time: 2 - 3 weeks (DE - int. shipments may differ)
Mugen Seiki is excited to announce the NEW MSB1 electric off-road 1/10th kit. The MSB1 evolved from years of testing and development. Debuted recently at the 1/10th Off Road World Championship at Hobby Action. The kit includes sway bars front and rear, highly tunable gear differntial, and 13mm shocks. The slim aluminum chassis provides incredible precision and stability when jumping and cornering. The rear suspension design is unique and more tunable than other vehicles in thise class. The differntial height is adjustable the access to the differential is quick and easy. Also included in the MSB1 kit is a carb forward bodyshell, front wing and rear wing.
Achtung: Für Kinder unter 36 Monaten nicht geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr!
Dieses Modell ist kein Spielzeug! Empfohlen für Modellsportler ab 14 Jahren.
Benutzung nur unter unmittelbarer Aufsicht von Erwachsenen.