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Serpent Spyder SRX2 Gen3 MM 2WD Buggy

Serpent Spyder SRX2 Gen3 MM 2WD Buggy

SKU: SER-500013
GTIN: 0714735209347
1-10 Electric Powered 2wd Racing Buggy The Srx-2 Gen3 has been completely re-designed from the ground up. The customers, racers, and fan favorite trolls have shared their glories, opinions, and pains about the previous SRX-2’s. We were open minded and willing to meet every expectation to push the boundaries of our product and the 1/10 2wd Market. The new SRX-2 needed to be slimmer, stylish, tougher, easier to work on, and above all else Faster. With over 85% of the parts being new, all the while, still being able to use most all previous SRX-2 parts, this car is an absolute masterpiece of construction. You can build it to any configuration you wish, new and/or old. Here at Serpent’s Secret R&D office, we are un-rivalled in our interest to win, and feel, this car will take you to more checkered flags than any previous SRX-2model we have ever made, Guaranteed.…!!!!!
  • Available!
    Delivery status: Available in shipping warehouse
  • Delivery time: 0 - 1 Workingdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)
299,99 € 379,99 €
1-10 Electric Powered 2wd Racing Buggy The Srx-2 Gen3 has been completely re-designed from the ground up. The customers, racers, and fan favorite trolls have shared their glories, opinions, and pains about the previous SRX-2’s. We were open minded and willing to meet every expectation to push the boundaries of our product and the 1/10 2wd Market. The new SRX-2 needed to be slimmer, stylish, tougher, easier to work on, and above all else Faster. With over 85% of the parts being new, all the while, still being able to use most all previous SRX-2 parts, this car is an absolute masterpiece of construction. You can build it to any configuration you wish, new and/or old. Here at Serpent’s Secret R&D office, we are un-rivalled in our interest to win, and feel, this car will take you to more checkered flags than any previous SRX-2model we have ever made, Guaranteed.…!!!!!
Achtung: Für Kinder unter 36 Monaten nicht geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr!
Dieses Modell ist kein Spielzeug! Empfohlen für Modellsportler ab 14 Jahren.
Benutzung nur unter unmittelbarer Aufsicht von Erwachsenen.